General Practices Part 2

Concerns or Complaints

Constructive criticism of the school is welcome when it is motivated by a desire to improve the quality of the services provided by the education program, and to assist the school to provide services more efficiently. Concerns or complaints against individual staff members should be first directed to that staff member. Only in the second instance should the principal or director be addressed. The final chain of command for resolution and dispute are discussed in a meeting with the Head of Schools.

Custody Issues

The custodial parent has the responsibility to provide the administrator with all official court orders which affect the well-being of the student when he/she is in the care of the educational institution. Non-custodial parents will not be permitted to use the school/center for child visitation. Unless prohibited by a court order, the school will not refuse a non-custodial parent who requests to pick up a child at the end of the day.

Dismissals (Early)

Under no circumstances will a student be released during the day without a parent or authorized pick-up person signing the child out appropriately.

  • If a child is ill, his/her parents or other authorized person will be called to pickup the child.
  • Parents should try to schedule dental and doctors appointments for student outside of school hours, when possible
  • Students are encouraged to stay in school until the end of the day.

Doctor’s Excuses

New Jerusalem will only accept original copies of doctor’s excuses in order to excuse absences. Excuses that appear suspicious in content will require additional parental information. Hand-written notes nor telephone contact are not acceptable methods to grant excused absentees. Doctor excuses must be given on the same day of the visit, or the day the student’s is cleared to return to school.

Disciplinary Policy

New Jerusalem Christian School seeks to promote positive behavior in children and help them learn self control, which is the ultimate goal of discipline. Discipline teaches a child to control his/her own behavior. Discipline involves communicating what the appropriate behavior is, gives the reason for behaving that way, and how to apply this to everyday situations.

Discipline vs. Punishment

Punishment refers to inflicting negative consequences to control behavior through fear and intimidation. Examples include spanking, yelling, humiliation, and other forms of physical and emotional abuse. Punishment can cause low self-esteem, fails to teach what behaviors are acceptable, nor does it teach self control. It may stop the behavior for the moment, but children are left without the knowledge of how to handle the same situation the next time.

How We Communicate Discipline Problems with Parents

Parents will be informed on a regular basis about the social development of their child/children. If problem behaviors regularly occur, parents will be informed in the following manner:

  1. Daily notes or a Written Disciplinary Report
  2. Telephone calls
  3. Short chats during drop-off and pick-up times
  4. A group conference may be called to discuss and analyze the problem behavior
  5. Repeated offenses may result in temporary suspension from the program
  6. If the child’s behavior becomes threatening to the other children, to the staff, or when the previous strategies have failed to produce the desired results, the administrator of the school has the authority to remove the child from the school.

Guidance Techniques We Use for Discipline

  1. Separate the child from the behavior
  2. Redirect the child’s behavior
  3. Give Acceptable Choices
  4. Use Positive Language
  5. Look for a Deeper Problem
  6. Use Humor Whenever Appropriate
  7. Refuse to Argue on Non-Negotiable Issues

Types of Punishment Not Allowed

  1. Corporal punishment including hitting of any kind, shaking, pinching, biting back or other measures that produce physical pain
  2. Withdrawal or the threat of withdrawal of food, rest, or bathroom opportunities
  3. Abusive or profane language
  4. Public or private humiliation, including threats of physical punishment
  5. Emotional abuse including rejecting, terrorizing, ignoring, isolating or corrupting a child
  6. Use of food or medication in an inappropriate manner
  7. Inappropriate disciplinary behavior
  8. Isolation out of the view of the teacher
  9. Inappropriate use of time out
  10. Forcing the child to sit at the table or in high chairs for long periods of time
  11. Telling parents to punish the child at home for misbehavior at the school

New Jerusalem staff is required to go through a yearly staff development review on our discipline policy. New staff is required to go through an orientation that includes procedural instructions on how to implement the outlined disciplinary policy.


New Jerusalem Christian School’s staff will receive training on how to handle minor and major emergencies that may occur in the school’s setting. Even in the best of care, there are times when accidents and injuries will occur, especially with young children.

Minor emergencies include human bites, bloody nose, severe sunburn, small cuts or abrasions, and minor head injuries. Major emergencies include situations resulting in death, life threatening injuries, or allergic reactions, loss of heat, air, or water, storms, fires, missing children, unexpected intruders, etc.

Procedures for Handling Minor Emergencies

  1. Administer first aid if necessary
  2. Notify parents
  3. Call 911 if warranted
  4. Keep classroom adequately staffed
  5. Fill out Injury and Accident reports for accurate documentation, and supply parents with a copy to sign.

Procedures for Handling Major Emergencies

  1. Insure safety of the children
  2. Alert necessary officials (police, fire department, medical forces) and parents of the victim.
  3. Brief staff on the situation
  4. The principal/director will serve as the spokesman for the school along with the head
  5. of schools and school attorney. General information will be provided to parents.

Evacuation and Emergency Closing Procedures

In the event of a fire or weather emergency, teachers are trained to evacuate children. Emergency procedures are posted on the bulletin board outside the office. Emergency fire and tornado plans are posted in the classroom. In an event of an evacuation of the center due to flooding, fire, tornado destruction of the building, or any other major emergency, children will be taken to the designated relocation site. This location is less than one mile west of New Jerusalem Church.

Should an emergency occur, we understand a parent’s desire to come and be with the child/children. However for the safety of your child/children, please remain in the building until the emergency condition ends. If a parent chooses to take a child and leave the center during an emergency, the parent will be required to sign a Release of Responsibility during Emergency Form. Parents will be called to pick up their children at the evacuation location.

Guests on Campus

All guests on campus are expected to report to the office. Any person other than the parent or legal guardian of a child is considered a guest at the school (i.e. grandparents, siblings, neighbors, etc.) All guests will be required to have a visitor’s pass from the office to visit a child’s room. Please explain this to anyone visiting your child. Parents who wish to visit classrooms must have prior authorization from the principal/director. Class-room visitation may not exceed thirty minutes daily no more than once a week, with the exception of emergency situation.

Inclement Weather

In the event of hazardous weather conditions such as ice, snow, flooding, etc., the school will remain open as long as safety allows. In case of inclement weather, parents will be informed of closings and update by email, text, and announcements posted to the local television stations. Parents will be asked to come and pick up their child/children as soon as a decision is made to close the school.

Intoxicated Parents/Parents Under the Influence of Drugs

New Jerusalem Christian School will not release a child to a parent/guardian who appears to be intoxicated or under the influence of drugs. Should a parent appear to be intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, the child’s teacher will contact the Director or office personnel to talk with the parent. Should the parent become uncooperative, threatening or violent, 911 will be called and police assistance requested. The Department of Human Services will be notified.


New Jerusalem Christian School is insured through Church Mutual. New Jerusalem will not be liable for injuries that occur on our premises due to inappropriate behavior or negligence.

Lost Items

NJCS is not responsible for the replacement of lost, stolen, or broken items. Parents are encouraged to report lost items. Many times items are found and brought to the office for safekeeping. Parents are encouraged to identify your child’s belongings by placing the child’s name on the inside near the neckline. Parents are also encouraged to check the lost and found areas in the school for missing items. Any unclaimed items will be donated to a local mission.