- Safe and Nurturing Learning Environment
- Professionally Trained Teachers
- Enriched Learning Centers
- Focus on Phonics and Reading
- Language Development
- Outdoor and Indoor Play
- Christian Atmosphere and Teaching
- Sensory Learning Materials
- Low Ratios and Group Sizes
- Breakfast, Lunch, and Snack
- Weekly Chapel Services
- A Beka Curriculum (Kindergarten-8th Grade)
- ACSI Curriculum (Kindergarten-8th Grade)
- Implementation of Common Core
- Implementation of the MS State Frameworks
- Music Class
- Library
- Physical Education
- Praise Dance
- Cheerleading
- Mime
- Computer Tots
- Basketball
- Choir
- Spelling Bee
- Reading Fair
- Science Fair
School Calendar
New Jerusalem Christian School will be closed for the following reasons:
- Open House
- Labor Day
- Parent Teacher Conference Day (Fall)
- Teacher In-Service
- Fall Break
- Thanksgiving Holiday ( One Week)
- Christmas Break (Two Weeks)
- New Year’s Day
- Martin Luther King’s Birthday
- Parent Teacher Conference Day (Spring)
- Spring Break (One Week)
- Easter Break (Two Days)
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
** Days are subject to change.
Age Requirements
Students entering kindergarten must be five years of age on or before September 1.
Students entering the first grade must be 6 on or before September 1.
Arrivals and Departures
New Jerusalem Christian School opens Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Academy students should not arrive at the school prior to 7:00 a.m. If students are not attending NJCS After School Care, students must be picked up by 3:00 p.m. Parents must sign their children in upon arrival to the school. Parents must also sign their children out when the students are picked up at the end of the day.
Students must be present at the school by 7:45 a.m. in order to receive breakfast. If a child is to be absent or late arriving to the school, please notify the office by 8:00 a.m. If a parent fails to contact the school of late arrival, a tardy pass will be issued. If a child is not picked up by 6:00 p.m., from After School Care, a late fee of $10.00 will be charged. After five minutes the charge will be $1.00 per each minute.
Chapel is held every Wednesday morning. During this time the students are fully engaged in praise and worship to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. They also learn how to apply biblical principles to their daily lives.
Parents are required to sign the dismissal log if a child is picked up prior to the 2:50 p.m. dismissal time. Frequent dismissals are strongly discouraged.
Dress Code
New Jerusalem adopted a dress code policy in order to maintain uniformity. Parents are not allowed to add to or take away from the specified uniform policy. Sunshine Uniforms is the current uniform distributor, and all uniforms must be purchased from this company. Parents are not allowed to embroider a New Jerusalem logo on any article of clothing purchase out-side the approved distributor.
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
- Red or navy polo shirts (All students)
- Plaid, khaki, or navy bottoms (slacks, shorts, Capri pants, skirt, or skort).
- (K5-8th)-New Jerusalem Navy Blazer, Plaid jumper/Plaid skirt, white blouse, black or navy dress shoes, with black or navy long socks or tights.
- (K5-8th)-Khaki slacks, white oxford shirt, plaid tie, black dress shoes, black socks, New Jerusalem Navy Blazer.
- NJCS T-shirt and blue jeans (no holes, writing, or fading)
- Every first Friday in the month is considered a “Free Dress Friday”
- Approved Colors: white, navy, black, brown, red, navy, grey, or any combinations of these colors. Approved colors for Chapel shoes are navy and black only.
- Shoes may be selected from any store.
- Ankle length or riding boots may be worn only if it contains a solid color. Multi-colored boots, boots with fur, balls or other dangling attachments are not allowed.
- Students are not allowed to wear shoes that light up, make sounds, or cause any other visible distraction. Other shoes that are not allowed are Crocs, flip flops, sandals, multi-colored shoes, etc.
- Any shoe that the administrator deem inappropriate will not be allowed.
- White Paw printed socks or plain white or navy socks
- Knee hi navy socks or tights for girls on Wednesday (chapel).
Winter Wear
- Only navy jackets and navy & red sweaters are approved for lightweight winter wear.
- All jackets and sweaters must contain an NJCS logo.
- Coats worn during the winter months must be navy or black only.
- White turtleneck shirts may be worn under shirts, blouses, or T-shirts.
- Solid color hats, gloves, and scarves may be worn with jackets or coats.
Special Requirements
- The First Friday in the month is considered Free Dress Friday.
- Students are required to wear free dress on certain special occasion days.
- Uniforms must be clean, neat, and ironed daily.
The administrative staff reserves the right to amend the uniform profile should a problem arise that is in direct violation of the goal to achieve uniformity. The administrative staff may also prohibit any attire that does not meet the required guidelines outlined in the profile as it relates to daily wear, chapel wear, shoes, outerwear, etc. It is in the best interest of the child and the parents to adhere to the uniform policy at all times.
Extracurricular Activities
New Jerusalem provides students the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities with parent permission. Parents are responsible for all cost associated with extracurricular activities that occur outside of the normal school day.
Field Trip
Field trips are taken as an extension activity based on the student’s current unit of study. Trips are planned to provide real-world experiences for the students. Parents must have a sign permission slip on file prior to all field trips. Parent chaperones are welcomed on most field trip excursions. Parents are also responsible for the cost associated with field trip events.
New Jerusalem Christian School will not tolerate fighting of any kind. We teach students to control their own behavior and actions through appropriate discipline teachings. If a fight occurs between two students, an investigation will occur. Based on the results of the investigation, students will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including suspension or expulsion. It is never appropriate for parents or staff to encourage students to fight or “hit back”. This behavior conflicts with the fighting policy for New Jerusalem Christian School.
Grading Scale
- A-100-95
- B-94-85
- C-84-75
- D-74-70
- F-60-0
- S-Satisfactory
- I-Improvement Needed
- U-Unsatisfactory
Students overall average is calculated in the following manner:
- Test – 50%
- Pop Quiz – 20%
- Special Projects – 15%
- Daily Grade – 10%
- Homework – 5%
Hair Styles and Accessories
All New Jerusalem students are required to maintain modest hair styles. The following styles and accessories are not allowed:
- Mohawks or large or tall styles
- Haircuts with words, parts, or any type of symbol
- Long ponytails, braids, or twists for boys
- Large Afros
- Crowns, hats, or any other head gear, with the exception of cold weather wear
- Spray painted or colorful hair
- Tight braids or other hair styles, especially for young children
- Any other style deemed inappropriate by the school administration
New Jerusalem Christian School believes that all children must learn in a safe and secure environment. Based on this belief, we have adopted a zero tolerance policy for harassment of any kind in our schools. Harassment includes any physical, psychological, or verbal action reflecting a lack of respect for another. All forms of harassment have the effect and/or purpose of creating a hostile environment for another person or group.
Bullying is another form of harassment. It occurs when an individual takes advantage of another person that he/she perceives as vulnerable, since the goal of the bully is to gain control over his/her victim. All harassment/bullying complaints will be immediately investigated by the appropriate adult (i.e. classroom teacher or administrator). Students who make threats of any kind whether serious or in-jest-either verbally, physically, on-line, in writing, or in an email will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including suspension or expulsion.
Homework is an essential part of the school program. Assignments are given to reinforce daily lessons, enrich and supplement class work, and to prepare for the next day’s class. On occasions teachers will send papers home that indicate areas where the student may need extra help. You are encouraged to check your child’s “Homework Folder” each night.
The average time spent on homework is as follows:
- K5 -2nd Grade: 30-40 minutes
- 3rd-4th Grade: 45 minutes
- 5th-8th Grade: 60 minutes
This is an average time; however some students may take longer to complete homework correctly. Parents are expected to check grades regularly through Gradelink.
Honor Roll
The following criteria will be used to determine a student’s honor roll classification:
- Headmaster/ Principal List
- A student must be on grade level in all classes. All grades on the report card must be 95% or higher. Student must have all satisfactory marks indicated in the Behavior area on the report card in order to receive Principal’s List recognition.
- Honor Roll
- A student must be on grade level in all subjects. All numerical grades on the report card must be 85% or higher. Student must have all satisfactory marks indicated in the Behavior area on the report card in order to receive Honor Roll recognition.
Nutritious meals are served daily according to the scheduled time frames:
- Breakfast: 7:00 a.m. – 7:45 a.m.
- Snack: 10:00 a.m. -10:15 a.m. for K5-8th grade.
- Lunch: 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
An afternoon snack is served from 3:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m. for after-school students only. . Students will be encouraged to eat in family style settings, but never forced to eat.
Food Allergies
Please notify the appropriate school officials of any known allergies that your child may have. A documented statement from the physician must be in the child’s file. This will assist us in watching for foods that may be harmful to your child.
Special Occasion Foods
Due to an increase in food allergies and other safety concerns, homemade foods items are no longer allowed for parties and special events. Foods must be catered through a Serve Safe institution such as restaurant or the school cafeteria staff.
Outside Food Preparations
Parents are not allowed to provide outside food, fast food, home-cooking, etc. to students as a replacement for the daily meals served in the facility unless the student is on a restricted diet. If so, there must be submitted documentation stating the restriction from the child’s physician. Students are not allowed to bring outside food into the classroom setting.
Parent Teacher Conference
Parent Teacher conferences are held twice a year in order for teachers and parents to have an uninterrupted time to meet and discuss the child’s progress. Parent teacher conferences are held in the fall and the spring of each academic school year.
Progress Report
In order to promote communication between parents and the faculty, progress reports are issued bi-weekly for grades Kindergarten-6th grade. This report is signed by the parents, and returned to the teacher the following day. Midterm progress reports for K5-8th grade will be sent home during the 6th week of each nine week term.
Promotion & Retention
- Kindergarten
- It is the task of New Jerusalem Christian Academy to teach and meet the needs of all children who come to our school. The intent of New Jerusalem Christian Academy is to supply students with the skills they will need to be successful in early elementary school.
Rest Periods
According to Mississippi State mandated guidelines, a rest period is observed at New Jerusalem for children in Kindergarten. Rest periods are scheduled for a minimum period of one hour after lunchtime. During rest periods, children are not allowed to walk around, talk, or play. Rest is defines as time asleep or time spent lying still and quiet. Parents are asked to call before coming to bring or pickup a child during rest time.
Kindergarten students will not take long rest periods after the Christmas break.
Report Cards
Report cards will be issued at the end of each nine weeks. Report cards are issued to parents to keep as a record of the child’s academic progress. Parents must sign and return the report card jacket back to the school the following day. Report cards are normally issued two weeks after the nine week grading period.
Important Notice: If your account is clear on the last day of the school, final report cards will be available the same day. However, if there is a balance owed on your account, final report cards will be held until balance is cleared.
School Attendance, Tardiness, and Excuses
Regular school attendance and promptness is extremely important at New Jerusalem Christian Academy. Please have all students at school on or before 8:00 a.m. Tardy slips are issued to students who arrive after 8:00 a.m. Habitual or frequent tardiness is distressing to a child and disrupts the orderly functioning of the class. Excessive tardiness may have the same consequences as absences. Three unexcused tardy infraction is equivalent to one absentee mark.
A student, who receives fifteen un-excused absentees in a school year, may be hindered from receiving promotion to the next grade.
Sign In/Sign Out, Pick Up and Release of Children
Parents are responsible for signing their child/children into the school and signing their child/children out of the school every day. Parents are required to sign their first and last name. Sign-in sheets are available in the front foyer of the school. Children are not allowed to sign themselves in to school.
For liability reasons, employees cannot transport a child from the school for any reason, even with written or verbal parental permission. Only parents and those on the child’s pick up list may sign out and transport children from the school.
New Jerusalem Christian School administers the Terra Nova Test annually to all students in Kindergarten to 6th grade. Parents are provided with a copy of the student’s scores and an additional copy is placed in the student’s file.
Uniform Violation Policy
Students who fail to comply with the adopted uniform policy will receive the following consequences:
- 1st Offense: Verbal Warning
- 2nd Offense: Written Warning
- 3rd Offense: Parent called to pick up child or bring the appropriate clothing
- 4th Offense: Conference with the director
- Final Offense: Suspension
*This list may be modified at any time by the NJCS Staff.