General Practices Part 1


Tuition is calculated on the basis of the entire year. Therefore, no reductions can be made for vacations, school holidays, sicknesses, inclement weather, emergency closing such as a break in the water main line, loss of power, etc. In addition, no deductions will be made from tuition for absence during the school year regardless of the cause of such absence. If your child will be absent, please call the school to confirm the absentee.

Allergy Policy

Parents must provide copies of all necessary information associated with a child’s allergy. This includes doctor’s excuse, explanation of care and treatment, medicines used, and continuity of care. Parents must inform the school of any changes that may occur immediately after notification of the changes.

  1. Children with asthma should have an asthma action plan completed by their pediatrician and kept on file at the school.
  2. Parents of students with food allergies need to provide a physician plan in writing for the student’s specific needs.
  3. Students requiring the use of an Epi-pen or Inhaler must have current information on file at the school’s office. One will be kept in the school’s office.
  4. All staff will maintain a system-wide procedure for addressing life threatening allergic reactions.

Authorized Pick-Up

Persons listed on your child’s registration form are authorized for pick-up. Family members not listed on the Authorized list are not allowed to pick up a child. Should an occasion arise when someone not listed on your child’s pick-up list needs pick up privileges, permission should be granted by the parents in writing defining the day and time the privi-lege is granted.

Photo identification will be checked in the office before pick up is allowed. In an emer-gency situation, when time does not permit written notification of the adult picking up a child, a parent should notify an office representative immediately. The driver’s license of the person picking up your child will be required as verification for emergency phone pick up requests. Please update your child’s authorization forms as changes occur.

Attendance Policy

A student who is not present at school is marked absent. Absences for school age chil-dren are only excused in the cases of death in family, emergencies, medical/dental ap-pointment, or court appearance with written documentation from the parent or principal of the school. It is the parent’s responsibility to inform the school of prolonged periods of absences. When the school has not been informed, and parental contact has not been met, the school reserves the right to remove the child from it’s active roster.

Perfect attendance is granted to a child who attends school daily.

Birthday Policy

Prior approval from the principal/director is required before planning birthday parties. Due to the overwhelming demand of individual birthday parties, one monthly party will be planned for all students who celebrate a birthday within that month. Simple refreshments of cupcakes and juice will be served during the party at the parents expense. During parties, there will be no student to student exchange of gifts. Parents may pro-vide gifts to their child and party favors for every child in the classroom. Guest must be students of the school only. Thirty minutes is the maximum amount of time for a party.

Excessive celebrations such as limousines, space jumps, special guest, etc. are not al-lowed during the overall class parties. Students are not allowed to wear birthday accessories (ribbons, crowns, money pinned to clothing, etc.).

Party invitations will not be passed out at the school, unless every child in the class receives an invitation.

Care of School Property

Every student should refrain from defacing or destroying school property. Each student should take pride in his/her school and keep it looking beautiful. However, if it is ob-served by witnesses that a student deliberately defaces or destroys school property, the school disciplinary policy will be enacted and fines may be incurred by the student’s parents to repair or replace the damaged school property.


Chapel is held every Wednesday morning from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Chapel time is set aside for our students and staff to congregate together for a time of prayer, praise, worship, and an impartation of the preached Word of God.

Students will also have opportunities to minister and discuss application of the preached word of God. Parents are always welcomed to attend chapel services.

Code of Conduct

Conduct is the manner in which students are expected to act so that the required order and atmosphere for learning can be achieved and maintained. Students are responsible for conducting themselves in a Christian manner at all times.

Persons who obstruct any teaching, administrative, or extracurricular activities shall be subject to such disciplinary procedures as set forth in this document. Each teacher is authorized to hold every student strictly accountable for an orderly learning environment. Every student is strictly accountable for any disorderly conduct whether in school, on the van, on the playground, or at a school related event.

Collection, Sales and Gifts

Product sales, unauthorized fundraisers, bake sale, and flyer distributions of any kind are not allowed for monetary profit by parents on the grounds of New Jerusalem Christian School. The school does reserve the right to sponsor fundraisers that are in the best interest of the school.